Another Evening of Intimate Theatre

Another Evening of Intimate Theatre
produced by Charlotte Broughton

A selection of short plays, poems and sketches


"A Common Place Affair"
Ted Warner reads his own short story


read by Sheila Buckthorp


"A Cautionary Tale"
written and read by Ted Warner


"The Baby Sitter"
by  Monica Reeve and directed by Charlotte Broughton

performed by Rachel Hogg


by  Jenny Joseph

performed by Christine Hughes


"The Bully"
written and directed by Louise  Cutler

Joshua Weston .......... Nathan Hunt
Matt Hughes.......... Robert Dennis
Simon Tiyed .......... Phoebe Nicholls
Zianne Smith .......... Louise Cutler
Pauline Weston .......... Verity Smith
Marion Hughes .......... Hannah Gough
Mrs Kirpen .......... Louise Cutler
Waitress .......... Hannah Gough

Crowd .......... Siobhan Hustler and Alec Howard
Assistant Directors .......... Siobhan Hustler and Robert Dennis


presented by Samantha Talbot


Void Fingertip Images
Ted Warner reads his own poetry


Sketch from "Up to You Porky"
by Victoria Wood

presented by Christine Hughes


The Dumb Waiter
by  Harold Pinter

directed by Katherine Boyce

Ben .......... Philip Nix
Gus .......... Robert Dennis


by  Richard Harris

directed by Emma Major

Helen .......... Julie Hogg
Eric .......... Malcolm Worth



Stage Manager Emma Major
Assistant Stage Manager Louise Hogg
Sound David Potter
Lighting Richard Scuffham