Samanth Talbot [Summer 2005]Member Profile:


Samantha Talbot



Samantha was first seen at the Broadbent with bright pink hair and playing drums for Mother Goose.   She has gone on to play percussion in Joseph where she also boldly took on the task of choreographing the Youth Group.  Samantha, who has a degree in Drama in the Community, has appeared on stage with her saxophone in one of the 'Intimate Theatre' sketches as well as roles in several pantomimes.

Samantha has recently moved to Australia having first spent some time in New Zealand.  We hope she wont forget us!


LRP Productions
Mother Goose Donald Fortune Jan/Feb 2011
Dick Whittington Prunella - the Pirate Queen Jan/Feb 2010
Babes in the Wood Spirit of the Wood Jan/Feb 2004
Cinderella Peasant; Master of Ceremonies; Shame February 2003
Sleeping Beauty Choreography, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Court and Townsfolk, Make Up February 2002
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Percussion, Choreography September 2001
Another Evening of Intimate Theatre Untitled June 2001
Mother Goose Percussion Jan/Feb 2001

Samantha Talbot [March 2001]