Charley's Aunt

by Brandon Thomas
directed by Margery Smith

On the eve of going "down" from the turn-of-the-century Oxford, Jack Chesney is anxious to declare his devotion to the girl of his dreams. In order to meet her, he would require a chaperone...



Brassett Gail Dennis
Jack Chesney Lizi Lamming
Charles Wykeham Gareth Williams
Lord Fancourt Babberley Richard Cartwright
Kitty Verdun Kate Ribey
Amy Spettigue Elaine Dower
Stephen Spettigue Jenny Peachey
Farmer Bill Peachey
Donna Lucia D'Alvadorez Ruth Andrews
Ela Delahay Alex Dunton
Maud Thirzah Jennings



Continuity Jayne McLean
Stage Managers Richard Scuffham, Gail Dennis, Bill Peachey, Simon Smith
Lighting John Smith
Set Design and Construction Hugh Dower, Margery Smith, Richard Scuffham, Michelle Boryszczuk
Set Painting David Broughton
Backdrop Design Michelle Boryszczuk
Wardrobe Designer Ruth Andrews
Dresser Vicky Smith
Poster Design Margery Smith, Michelle Boryszczuk
Poster Design Margery Smith
Music John Smith
Refreshments Julie Hogg, Rachel Hogg,Vicky Smith, Michelle Boryszczuk, Yvonne Rowe, Pauline Hall
Programme Seller Louise Hogg
Box Office Vicki Makin


Alex Dunton Alex Dunton as Ela Delahay
Thanks to Thirzah Jennings for the photograph